I see some others donate a part of their sales to support the people in Ukraine and their refugees. That is a good thing.
I was considering the same donation deal, but I came to the conclusion I would not do this, as my sales are very low and such a deal would make almost no money, even if adding the physical mineral sales and donating 100%. So instead I am donating money regardless of the sales. I don't want to show off, but I wish to confirm that I am helping. And I use the opportunity to say I hope all good people are helping the best they can. Even if not donating money, please support morally.
My X girlfriend is from Ukraine, and it is strong feelings to see her country getting bombed and exposed to illegal war crimes by a madman and his army. She treated me well, and so did her family/friends, and I have somehow always liked Ukrainians very much because of their hunger for freedom. I am proud of her, her husband and family, and the people of Ukraine. They are doing a heroic and hard battle. I also support other people around the world who are in this situation. But for me, Ukraine is extra close in distance and in my heart. Slava Ukraini!