About the eCryptonite

The eCryptonite project is about transforming digital art of the minerals into NFTs that users can collect and trade at the value they think is fair.
The blockchain technology allows the eCryptonite (NFTs) to travel between the wallets of collectors, either they like the art, like the minerals or are just here for the fun.
There is no ownership link between the physical specimen and the NFTs.
All of the artwork is based on minerals in my collection. Most of the minerals are on display in my showroom, and will never be put up for sale.
Why buy eCryptonite

Digital Art
First of all the pictures are digital art, that you can put on display. Each picture is of high resolution that will look good even if you show them on large screens.
I know for my own sake that I would not like to put up pictures in my house that was not mine and I did not pay for. Buying NFTs would change that, and also Samsung and others are now developing opportunities to show NFTs on their screens.
So buying an eCryptonite gives you the opportunity to get art at a reasonable price.
Most NFTs in the Metaverse are made unique (1 copy), but there are often many NFTs in the collection that are kind of the same. The eCryptonite collection is a little different because I want people to have the opportunity to collect multiple items and make themselves a digital collection. So instead I try to have a low introducing price and more copies of the specimens that are not highly valued in the physical world.
Because each NFT is based on physical specimens in my collection, there is also a limited amount of NFTs that will be made, especially of the world-class specimens that cost thousands of dollars in the physical world.
Each minted NFT comes in different numbers of minted copies:
I provide information about every specimen, and possibly a little background story from their location. Collecting is more fun when you have some background story of the crystal.
I try to keep an approach that is both playful and educational. And I try to combine the future and the past, the universe and the metaverse if you will.
Investing and pricing
Like other NFTs, this is also an investment opportunity. Because I have built a customer base for my physical collection (www.norwayminerals.com) I know you can have brilliant items that are not selling. Or the opposite, people with huge customer bases can sell overpriced items. The customer base is extremely important, and I will work on increasing it. I will also try to make synergy effects of the physical and the digital collections.
I have priced the NFTs below what I think is a fair value. The main reasons for this is that I want the art to have potential to rise significantly in value if there is much interest around the project. And instead of just having 1 copy of each, I have multiple copies of most of them. This is done from a collector perspective, where I think it might be interesting for fans to own several eCryptonite NFTs
In any case, my view is that it is not much downside of buying an eCryptonite NFT. If you should be in a position where you are not able to resell it later, you will in any case be the owner of a great piece of art.
And the upside? I believe it is a great concept with big potential.
The sky is not the limit!

About me
Hi. I'm Oystein Hygge Li. Nice to meet you!
I collcet minerals and I am the owner of www.norwayminerals.com. where I sell minerals and also present my private collection of minerals from Norway and abroad.
Mineral collecting is a wonderful hobby, but it also has its limitation. For example, space is a major issue, and stones are heavy.
The last years I have been working more with photos than with the minerals themselves. I love this work, so I thought it would be fun to make an alternative way to collect minerals. I hope you like them too :)
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.