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eCryptonite #025


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eCryptonite #025

The art is made of a 70 mm ball of Selenite crystals from Red River Floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Full-size picture

NFT rarity

Uncommon (32)

Picture size (pixels)

4088x2725 (2,6 Mb)

Energy version (giveaway NFT to the 50% first buyers, not resale)


This specimen used for the art is 70x64x53 mm (213 gram) and was found in Red River Floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

The Selenite is very thick, glassy, water-clear, light amber Gypsum crystals.

The Red River Floodway has become famous, not only for the engineering marvel it is but due to the extremely unusual selenite specimens that were discovered during excavations. The formation is due to two generations of growth. The first growth formed near-spherical rosettes of stout intergrown crystals. The second generation, the one that made them famous, grew in large golden crystals with a unique twinning shape that resembled a duck’s bill. These “duckbill” selenites are famous the world over and are found nowhere else in the world to date. Specimens range from having a single crystal, to having many radiating from the rosette. Some rare examples have two rosettes conjoined in striking formations.

You can see the location at mindat:

Video/pictures of the specimen used for the NFT:

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