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eCryptonite #023


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eCryptonite #023

The art is made of a beautiful 88 mm specimen with Anapaite from Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, Ukraine.

Full-size picture

NFT rarity

16 (Rare)

Picture size (pixels)

4088x2725 (5,0 MB)

Energy version (giveaway NFT to the 50% first buyers, not resale)


The model used is a beautiful green Anapaite in fossil shells from Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, Ukraine.
The size is 66x88x34 mm (187 gr.)

It is an excellent specimen with translucent, green spherical cluster of the rare phosphate anapaite.

This area on the Crimean Peninsula is well known for these specimens. It is very uncommon and found at its best in the fossil shells from this deposit, which is now long gone, thus hard to obtain nowadays.

The calcium and phosphate needed to form this species are both derived from the original shell material.

Anapiaite is named by Arthur Sachs in 1902 for the type locality at Anapa, Taman Peninsula, Russia. This area is just a few miles from Kerch (Crimea) where my specimen was found.

Kerch Peninsula, Crimea
Kerch is located on the east side of the island of Crimea in the Black Sea. The area has a long hitory, and lately it there has been more disputes as Russia took over the area with force in 2014. The area has a beautiful coast line, and you can read more about its minerals here:

Video/pictures of the specimen used for the NFT:

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