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eCryptonite #017


eCryptonite #017
The art is made from a 126 mm scalenohedron Calcite on green Celadonite from Iraí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Full-size picture

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eCryptonite #017 - eCryptonite | OpenSea

NFT rarity:

Rare (16)


Polygon (OpenSea) with no gas fees. 


4088x2725 (2,8 Mb)


The model used is a huge scalenohedron Calcite on green Celadonite from Iraí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

The size is 126x106x120 mm (913 gr.)

The Calcite has stepped faces. The green celadonite covers the bottom of the specimen and also some spots of the calcite. Iraí  was known for superb calcites, and this specimen is huge compared to other crystals found here.

Iraí, Rio Grande do Sul

Iraí is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Iraí  was known for these superb, gorgeous calcites, but most that was found was many years ago. You can see more of the minerals found at this location here:

Rio Grande do Sul is best known to collectors for the wonderful specimens of agate and amethyst that come from the amygdaloidal cavities in the huge basalt formation known as the Parana basalts. 

Video of the specimen used for the NFT

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