eCryptonite #015
eCryptonite #015
The art is made from a 104 mm Calcite from Malmberget, Sweden.
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eCryptonite #015 - eCryptonite | OpenSea
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Legendary (1)
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4088x2725 (4,6 Mb)
The model used is one of the best calcites ever found. It is from Parta, Malmberget, Gällivare, Norrbotten County, Sweden, and was found back in 1988.
The size is 104x95x74 mm (555 gr.)
The crystals are transparent and gem-clear, scalenohedral with a deep honey-yellow color. Also, when you put stronger light on the crystals they have an incredible color as shown in the art picture.
It is very hard to find even a single crystal from this pocket on the market nowadays. My father purchased/exchanged several world-class pieces from this location back at the time they were found.
I have a few larger Calcite specimens from the Parta field in my collection, but this one has even better quality (insane) and it is very aesthetic. It also seems to have some deeper color than the other ones I have in the collection. And putting them side-by-side this specimen simply is clearer and better. Based on the first-hand information I have got by a miner who was there when the pockets were found, I would definitely say that this one is from "the Gem Pocket" while the others in my collection are from "the Butterfly Pocket".
The legendary 2 pockets in Parta
Back in 1988, the miners in Malmberget came across 2 pockets in the Parta field, about 600 meters below ground. The first one was at the deepest level, and had a little better color and quality, while the upper one had bigger crystals (and some butterflies).
Both of them have some of the best calcite crystals are the best the world has ever seen. You will also see several books and publications with pictures on the front page of these incredible calcites.
The first pocket that was discovered was at about 600 meters depth and is called "the gem pocket". Sadly much of the calcites in the lower pocket were destroyed on the night because of inexperienced collectors trying to extract them. There is very little material available from this pocket. Accordingly, only about 20 specimens were collected totally.
The second pocket was about 20 meters higher (Parta 580) and is called "the Butterfly Pocket" because the pocket also contained some amazing butterfly crystals of calcite. Even though they are not as clear as the lower pocket also these calcites are reckoned some of the best Calcites ever found in the world.
You can read more about the story at this site, with some great pictures. However, the story told is based on one side of the story. I got first-hand information that there is much more to the story and that there are other important miners who are left out from the story. Anyway, the publication shows a lot of nice crystals from a historic find:
It is one of the largest underground mines for ore in the world and the second-largest in Sweden. The deepest point is 1390 meters below ground. Annual production is over 5 million tonnes of iron ore.
There is a big variety of crystals and minerals found in the mines:
Sometimes the miners hit pockets with crystals, but seldom they are collected as it would slow the work. Luckily there are workers who are trying to save/collect the most interesting stuff.
My father had friends in the mining companies in Sweden and traded minerals directly from them. Most of the stuff he got was back about 15-25 years ago. Much of this material is now long gone, and seldom seen on the market.
Video of the specimen used for the NFT